A Father to the Fatherless

2 Corinthians 6:18a

“…and I will be a Father to you….”

The Father’s Care.

Today is Father’s Day and it just happens today is also the Lord’s Day. It is a day where I remember my earthly father who passed away 3 years ago. There of course is a void, a quietness that fills the day as memories flood my mind of the time that I spent with my father here on this earth. So, it perhaps that it was providential that it was also the Lord’s day today. A day to enter into worship and be reminded that even though I do not have my earthly father here with me, I have a Heavenly Father who is always present. A Father who whose care and love cannot be measured. A Father who wipes away the tears of loss and comforts the soul.

As this day comes to end, though the painful memory of loss will continue, be reminded that you have a Heavenly Father who loves you. He loves you so much that He sent His Son, Jesus Christ to reconcile us unto Him.

Grace and Peace.

Stephen J.M.

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About Me

I like to think of myself as a writer, Graphic Designer, and film nerd. Always have been. I love photography and capturing what I see on my my camera. I am 46 years of age and currently live in Florida.I am a Veteran of the USAF. The Lord has seen fit to bless me with a loving wife and the gifts to be creative. It is my aim to glorify God with these gifts. It is my goal and prayer to share the journey that I have been through and the journey that I am on.
